Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cutest Thing In The World!!!

I was thinking how great this pregnancy would be since I wouldn't be huge through the summer months.  It turns out that I just traded that yucky feeling of battling the heat and swelling for worse nausea and throwing up then ever before.  Man the heat got to me and really heightened the morning/ day sickness!!!
So today I was feeling icky, the kids were all playing board games so I was laying down watching them. I am not know for laying down and resting.  So that tells you right there the morning sickness was not good!

All of the sudden Grant comes over to me and places a handful of these little toy bees on my tummy.
He said, "Mommy these are toys for yo baby to play with!"  Then before I could respond he says, "And mommy, I neber gonna be mean to yo baby!"
It was the cutest thing ever!!!

Grant can just melt my heart!
He is going to make one amazing big brother!
This little spirit that will be joining us the beginning of January is already one lucky kid!

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