Sunday, November 2, 2014

Buon Compleanno

Happy Birthday Silvio!

Silvio turned 17 on November 3rd.  But because that was a Monday and our schedule is busy on Monday nights we decided to throw him a little surprise party on Sunday evening.

The cake was so delicious!

Due to having the party on Sunday there were several kids who couldn't make it.  But it was a fun party just the same.  It was kind of nice to not have so many teenagers so that they could play games easier and stuff.

Silvio was completely surprised!!!!
It was so fun to surprise him!

I think Silvio was happy with his party!

I printed off the words to Happy Birthday in Italian so we could all sing to Silvio in his home language.

Making his wish!
I love that Ryker's face looking like he is blowing out the candles as well.

Looks like a happy birthday boy to me!

The kids played a crazy game that ends up in making one person doing some type of dare.  Usually it involved eating something nasty or drinking something.  One time I think a couple of boys had to run around the house with their shirts off.  Silly fun!

It was pretty funny being a spectator to this game.  I believe Silvio ended up eating 2 bananas and chugging a large cup of sprite.........yuck!  Then they made a drink concoction with different spices in it and several of the boys ended up having to drink some of it.  They also did a cinnamon challenge several times.

They played the What If game.

To start the game you sit in a circle and have pieces of paper.  On your piece of paper you write a "What if" question.  Then you throw the papers into the middle of the circle.  Everyone grabs a paper and writes a answer to the "what if" question.  It gets pretty funny at times!

Then of course they played pool.

They enjoyed some air hockey as well.
It was a fun party and we hope Silvio had a great birthday here in the US!

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