Thursday, November 27, 2014

Turkey Trot 2014

Justin once again skipped out on the Turkey Trot.  At least this year he had a good excuse........he was watching Ella.

The kids and I think it's a great tradition.  Then when Thanksgiving dinner comes you feel fine about pigging out!  This year Kason Hawkins joined us.  Hunter was really excited to wear his camo body suit!

This is the first time I walked the 5K.
Since I had just gotten my boot off the day before the Turkey Trot I decided not to push my luck and to give my healing foot a break :)
Tressie agreed to walk with me since she said there was no way she could run it.  It was nice to walk and visit.  Maybe walking it each year should become my new tradition?

Love that we got a picture with this!
Stephanie Hoopes is stinkin' awesome!

Kiersten, Hunter and Logan all ran the 5K.  Silvio was a good sport and he stayed with Chase and Mr. Grant.  MG was spoiled by Chase as he got a shoulder ride for a good part of the race.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
This year we were having my parents and Quincy's family join us for Thanksgiving dinner at our house.  I also made the turkey for the in-laws, like I have for a good 6 years now.
We have so much to be thankful for this year!!

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