Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dance Recital

Oh how we love recital time!

I look forward to each recital.  Everyone but Ella is in dance so it is a full Saturday affair going to the different recitals.  We love supporting our kids!  It is so fun to see what they have worked so hard to perfect.

The kids are blessed to have such wonderful and supportive grandparents.  Both sets of grandparents came, even both grandpa's.  We missed getting a picture with Grandma and Grandpa Boswell.
Sure love this great family!

Oh how we love Jeremy Bingham!  He saw us taking a picture and wanted one with Kiersten.

This year Kirsten's group performed "I Was Here."  It is a tribute to cancer patients.  The dance was beautifully choreographed by Rena De La'Cruz.  Kiersten had the spotlight through out this number.  She was the cancer patient in the dance.  The raised money all year and were able to raise $5,000 that was then given to a 3 year old girl who is battling cancer in the Gila Valley.  The little girl was able to come up on stage and dance with the girls when they presented her family with the money.  I don't think there was a dry eye in the auditorium.  Such a touching experience and I am so grateful Kiersten was a part of it!

Picture of Hunter's group on stage, thanks to another dance mom.

This was Bodie's senior year, which means no more seeing him at the dance studio.  He is off to Virgina for a year of college soccer and then a mission.  We have loved the impact he has been on our boys!  He is a wonderful family friend and we wish him the best in his endevors.  He is going to do great things!  The was taken after his senior dance solo.  Logan was bawling uncontrollably when Bodie finished dancing.  It truly expressed the bond my boys feel with Bodie.  He paved the way for them to feel comfortable being manly dancers!  Not a dumb thing for a boy to want to be surrounded by girls!
The recitals were awesome and we enjoyed a day of dance!

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