Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Feburary!!!

The kids were so excited to wear their Valentine outfits that we've been saving for the month of February. I love my kids so much! They each bring something special and unique to our family. It's such a joy to be their mother (and lots of work). I am so grateful to be able to stay home with my children and enjoy the short time I'll have with them while they are young. They make he smile and laugh and they are growing up way too fast! They are such beautiful kids and I love the strength I feel from their sweet spirits! Aren't they adorable!


allisonj_2004 said...

To cute. Looks like you have been having a blst. Hope we can get togrther soon

anna said...

super cute! What a great mom you are...valentines outfits and everything!

touch of glass said...

Becky, are you guys planning on our couples dune trip? We are going the first weekend in March. Can't go without you!