Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Snow Much Fun @ Twilight Canyon

We took the kids to tube up in the Mountains on Valentine's Day. It was the best tubing trip we have ever had. Usually it is so hard to take little kids to tube because you have to help them get up the hill and get their tubes up the hill as well. But this year it worked out to be so much fun.
Logan loved just going down the "baby slide" on his bottom. He was content to do it and he could do it all by himself which made it really nice for us. But then....................... ................all Hell broke loose once his hands and feet were cold, about 45 minutes of playing in the snow and he was so done. He was the only one with no snow boots and gloves that totally aren't meant for the snow. Poor guy! Hunter on the other hand was in heaven! He was warm and that makes all the difference when playing in the snow. Kiersten was so brave and was the first to try all the hills. Kiersten seriously climbed the hill 50 times to slide down. The kids would go so fast on the tubes and all most go off the cliff on the other side so we decided to just try sliding on our bums since the hills were so steep and they had slick ski suits on. It worked out GREAT! The kids could climb the hills all by themselves and they didn't need a tube. Next year we hope to remember the great spot at Twilight Canyon! Hunter sliding down and having a great time! He is such a cute 5 year old! It was so fun to actually have the kids be able to do the hills all by themselves. These next two pictures aren't in the right order. But this was the crash that ended using the tubes and lead to just sliding down on their bottoms. Kiersten crashed and came right out of her tube. Scared me and her both! This is the before shot. I felt so bad because I couldn't even stop her once I saw she was going too fast because I was off to the side. Kiersten took this picture of Justin and me. Pretty cute! Nice job Kiersten! Logan found refuge in the truck. He got right in and took his boots off and put his feet up to warm them up. He was happy to be able to watch the kids from the car and had no desire to get out! He was content with the heat! So it looked like too much fun I had to try. It was a blast! I had so much fun sliding down the hill on my bum. Some friends from high school happen to come and let me tell you to see Kizzy Graham tube down the big hill was hilarious! She is so fun, it was great to see her and Belinda! They were having a great time! It was fun to see other adults acting like kids. There is something about the snow that makes me feel like a little kid again! I couldn't talk Justin into doing down, he just missed out! But he said he enjoyed watching me act like a kid and that's just what I did..............GREAT FUN!!! I wish for more days like this! Kiersten had a blast! We ended up staying for 3 1/2 hours. The only reason we could finally get Kiersten and Hunter to leave was because it got too dark. Good thing Logan was entertained in the truck.
Me, Kiersten and Hunter
Logan had more than his share of the snacks and had some crazy beanie hair!
Logan loved putting his hands on the windows and seeing the hand print left.............sorry Justin but it entertained him! Justin and I took turn staying with Logan, then I finally just buckled him in and turned on a movie for him cause I wanted to sled some more.
We had some good Hot Chocolate complete with ready whip. The kids were so excited I had brought the ready whip. I was craving Hot Chocolate and wanted it to be just right so the kids just got lucky! Hunter said, "Mom you remembered how much I like Hot Chocloate with whip cream on top!" Of course I agreed, but actually I remembered how much Mommy likes Hot Chocolate with whip cream on top! Shhhh don't tell my kids!
These pictures are out of order as well. Hunter got snow all over his face this slide down. You can't really see it that good his face just looks wet.
This was his fast trip down that he pretended to be a human snow plow.
Me enjoying some snow plowing as well. I was covered in snow, not as bad as Kizzy on her trip down but close. Wish I had a picture of her!
Justin had said he would make me dinner for Valentine's (a first), but we got down from the mountains so late we just ate as Jerry's. But he made dinner on Sunday and it was delicious. Hunter said, "Dad, this is a really good dinner especially for a guy who's never cooked before! Have you ever cooked before?"
Pretty sad when your kids think their dad has never cooked. They are pretty right on, something needs to change huh?
Kiersten then said, "Dad I think you should cook one night a week to help Mom out!"
All I can say is Way To Go Kids! Now if that really happens I doubt it, but Sunday dinner was great. I appreciate Justin being so sweet and thoughtful!


Tifani said...

That looks like so much fun!!! WE HAVE GOT TO GET TOGETHER!!!!
Love ya

dezertgirlaz said...

I love the snow! Isn't it great to be one of the kids every now and just let loose?! (ok so I do it all the time!) I would have loved to have seen Kizzy slide! I love that girl! I haven't seen her forever! Glad you had so much fun!

bonnie said...

Looks like fun, where is twilight canyon?