Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hunter's Preschool Graduation

Hunter is such a Stud! He asked his teacher if he could wear his church clothes for graduation so he would look sharp! When he told me this I asked him is he wanted to wear a tie. He informed me that he has to wear his suit because it was such an important day and he needs to look handsome! He is fashion savvy for a 5 year old boy. I think his wife will appreciate that one day. This is Hunter's graduating class. They sang a couple of really cute songs. This one was a lollipop song. Hunter is so handsome and growing up to be a great boy! This is his big moment getting his diploma from his teacher, Mrs. D'Anne. She has been an outstanding teacher and we have just been so impressed with this preschool. They teach the kids so much and take them on lots of cool field trips.
Cluff Boys, Love them all!
The girls with the big man himself!
Isn't he so handsome? He is going to make a great kindergartner! He loves learning and school. He is way excited to get to go to school at the same school as Kiersten.
This is Hunter with his best friend Callie! They were always field trip buddies and Hunter talks about her all the time. He colors pictures for her and brings her stickers...........he is quite the lady's man!

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