Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Labor Day in Greer

For Labor Day we took Quincy, Gloria and Avry camping with us to Greer.
Roasting marshmallows is always a part of camping! Our kids were in heaven with Quincy and Gloria because they are "real campers" as Hunter put it. Our kids always want us to make breakfast over a camp fire but we just don't. So they were thrilled when Gloria and Quincy made a yummy breakfast OVER A REAL CAMP FIRE!
I have to admit it was very good.........eggs, pancakes, bacon, and sausage! DELICIOUS!!!
It got a big clap from Mr. Grant!
He was such a good baby just playing in his walker!
We went into Greer in hopes of catching fish in the creek.......but decided to just let the kids play and to then try fishing at Black River, which is about a 45 minute ride. We took the truck and Quincy drove the rail with all the kids, minus Mr. Grant. So the kids even had fun on the drive.
But we had to get a few fun pictures before we left!
We made it to Black River........YIPPEE!
I just love being a MOMMY!
I feel so blessed to have the kids I do...........they are such great people!
Logan and Avry were feeling left out and wanted a picture with Mr. Grant!
These two have a great time playing together! Logan is so sweet to his little "Avry Janie" as he calls her!
Logan also LOVES soda!
He doesn't get it a lot at home but on trips he has more then his share.
Strawberry soda is his favorite!
Silly Kiddos!
Quincy is such a great daddy and Uncle! He is so good to my kids and I love him for it!
Kiersten made a little boat to float down the river! Kiersten is such a good little helper. Gloria mentioned several times that she needs a Kiersten at her house!
Kiersten chasing after her boat! I love how being in nature sparks my kids creativity!
Watch it go!
Mr. Grant loves Avry and Avry loves eating his yogurt snacks!
Not sure what this pose is for but I thought it was funny!
One word that can describe Logan is RANDOM!
Avry and her Daddy! We had no luck catching fish but we had fun anyways.
Kiersten had been a bit whinny about wanting a swing while we had been camping. Well guess what............we found a stick swing already to be swung on! Kiersten was in HEAVEN!
There was no more whining from Kiersten!
Back at camp the kids enjoyed warming up by the crackling fire!
Hunter was a Toe Roaster!
Kiersten was a Bum Roaster!
I LOVE the smile on Mr. Grant's face as he looks at his Daddy!
Priceless! It was so fun and the weather was great!

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