Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rock Fort

At first when we were camping the kids were bummed because it wasn't a camp ground with thick forest, like Rainbow Campground by Big Lake.
But they soon discovered all the big rocks and decided to make a Rock Fort! They would work on it off and on... In the beginning...
Almost There....
Putting the finishing touches on it....
The completed Rock Fort!
Hunter even found a already made spear while out doing a geo cache.
Enjoying the swing we brought back from Black River for Kiersten.
We fished, we ate well, we took walks, we rode Kiersten's electric scooter and Hunter's electric motorcycle around camp, we made forts, we floated boats down the river, we went on many geo caches, we had smores and had a great time making memories to last a lifetime!

1 comment:

GirlyGirl said...

that is asowome hope you guy had fun