Monday, November 21, 2011


Kiersten's 5th Grade class along with the 4th grade class had a Poetry Reading on Thursday.
They were suppose to be dressed up so Kiersten wore an adorable dress. Kiersten was so excited for the Poetry Reading! Mrs. Percell was bringing refreshments and everything.
Kiersten wrote her poem about her's just a sweet, wonderful poem!
I love all her little drawings to the side that represent what her poem talks about.
Both Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. Purcell mentioned to me that Kiersten's was their favorite poem..............all the kids did a wonderful job I was told!
Kiersten Cluff

My brothers are very cool,

Even if they look like a fool.

When we play house we always make scrumptious homemade soup,

And sometimes we play in our fort,

Or on the basketball court.

We fight for fun and love to make mud pies,

That sometimes attract flies.

We add berries and put our initials on it.

We often do ninja moves on the trampoline.

We also scare our Logan Bear,

And he really thinks its not all that fair.

So we say we're sorry and go outside.

For a messy rainbow Popsicle,

After that we play as a cat or dog,

But often we play as wild Indians.

We get bored and make a craft,

We glue and paste,

My mom says, "what a waste!"

But we love to do it!

As you can see, even if they are a pest,

They certainly are the BEST!

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