Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time Out...

Isn't always a bad thing! I went to Time Out For Women this weekend and had a fabulous time!
I think I need to send myself to "time out" way more
Me and my dear friend Tressie Smith traveled together..........we met up with Tifani, Amanda Woods, Kaely and her friend to do some shopping before the event Friday evening. It had been months since I have spent any time with Tressie so it was just a treat to get to visit with her over the weekend!
We also met up with my sweet mother-in-law, Kristen and Amy that night. They traveled up together. The next day we were lucky enough to have Aunt Carol with us. I always love any chance I get to see Aunt Carol!
Every speaker touched me or inspired me in some way. I have a huge iPhone notebook full of thoughts, quotes and inspirational messages from all the speakers. I loved them all, but if I have to name my favorite presenter it is an easy Hilary Weeks! I guess she wasn't really a presenter but she touched me just the same. She is my favorite LDS musician for sure and her music has gotten me through some very dark hours in my life. She was funny, up lifting and of course extremely talented in her art of music. I would love to go to a concert or presentation where it is just Hilary Weeks.
One major thing that really stood out to me was a comment that Hilary made about knowing your children. It will change my life forever.........for the better!
She said something to the affect that...
"You will know your children as adults for the majority of your life and theirs. Both on this earth and for eternity....BUT you only get to know them as children for a small moment of time!"
What a treat to get to know our children as children!
I had never looked at it that way before but it is so true. I wish someone would have pointed this fact out to me ten years ago when I first had Kiersten. Because it has changed my perspective tremendously!
I am determined to enjoy these childhood moments even more then I ever had before! I am not saying I am going to be perfect at enjoying the messes, the diapers, the fits, the arguments, teenage years. But I am determined to keep the perspective that this will be my ONLY chance to know my children as children. I will know them as adults for a lifetime, but this is my ONLY opportunity to know them as children.
Another presenter I can't remember which one it was, I am thinking it was Mary Ellen Edmonds, but I could be totally wrong. Any way they said....
"We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become!"
Such an uplifting weekend! I am grateful I was able to have a "time out."
This was us gals at the Cheesecake Factory before the event on Friday. Yummy food, great conversation and wonderful company. Doesn't get much better!
So many great memories for sure!
Waiting during our lunch break Saturday at T.G.I. Fridays for an hour for our food and not getting it..........slightly annoying!
Having an hour of conversation with Aunt Carol, Tressie, Kristen, Amy and the rest of the girls..........PRICELESS!
So thanks to everyone for the fun filled weekend full of great memories!
This morning went I woke up and all the kids were awake I came home to some fun surprises.
Kiersten and Hunter had written a puppet show. They performed it for us this morning. It was fabulous. It has humorous and actually very well written. Kiersten is a great writer and I just love to see her creativity. When we built our house I loved this open arch way. I saw architecture, added detail and children saw the perfect puppet show stage. I like thier perspective a lot better then my own. I never saw a puppet show stage before they pointed it out to me. Many many puppet shows have been put on at our built in stage. Hunter and Kiersten did a great job on their puppet show! It was a real treat to come home to that! Thank you for being so wonderful! I also came home to a beautiful note from Kiersten.... You might have to double click on the pic to see it big enough to read it. It is the sweetest note ever. I for sure missed her as much as she missed me........maybe even a little more! And yes I came home to a two year old who had colored on himself. I am so glad this doesn't just happen when I am "incharge." I love that it happened yesterday and Justin took no thought to give him a bath to wash it off. My days of kids coloring on themselves is limited so it just made me smile. It truly would not have been as fun if Justin just told me about it...........seeing Mr. Grant colored up was much, much better!

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