Sunday, November 6, 2011

Where is Mija?

This evening I had a photo shoot scheduled with this family. During that shoot Hunter came in my studio and asked if he could run down to the Pryor's and get Mija, their dog. I said sure.
Anyway, Mija came down, the kids all played with her in the backyard during my shoot. Then she ate the crumbs off my kitchen floor.......oh how I love a visit from Mija!
So after my photo shoot I noticed all the kids were inside but Mija wasn't. I asked Hunter where she was, he said in the house. We looked all over for her and couldn't find her. Justin had just left for a church meeting and I thought she might have got out when he left. So I told Hunter to run down to the Pryor's to see if Mija was there. Mija is like their child I might add!
Hunter started to cry as he left to run to their house. He said, "I really don't want to loose Mija!"
I told him just run down and see if she is there, everything will be just fine.
In a few minutes Hunter comes running, actually skipping in the front door.
He says, "I Am So Blessed!"
Heavenly Father answered his prayer he told me. As he was running to Mac's he asked Heavenly Father to help Mija to have made it home. And his prayer, and mine, was answered.
It is always a sweet reward to know and hear from my kids that they thought to pray when they needed help.
Thank you Hunter for your example!

1 comment:

Susan and Don said...

Sweet story! CNow would you ask Hunter to pray for Goldie to come home! I sure miss her.