Sunday, November 20, 2011

Talk about a CRAPPY day

So let me tell you about my CRAPPY day on Friday! Just remember the sweet smile on the face of my fierce dragon!
Just as a little back ground so you'll understand where I was at emotionally I'll tell you about my day before the CRAPPY day............ the day before had been really bad. I won't go into full detail but let's just say there were tears, swats, apologizes and more tears. Oh and did I mention I somehow made the most harsh, sharp, drill Sargent of a teacher cry. I mean I had no idea the woman even had tear ducts..........she is just that softness to her. And every other conversation I have had with her, she has cut me off every time I opened my mouth.....and I have never even had a real serious conversation with her. This time I just stood my ground and talked to her in the same tone she was talking to me.
I was totally prepared to get my butt chewed out, as usual with her, but I was so not prepared for the tears and I just felt horrible about that.........I even started crying because I was so shocked with the whole conversation.
I did send her flowers and an apology card later that day because I wasn't trying to upset her at all. I just wanted her to listen to me for once and then own her own behaviors. While reassuring her that I am here to support her and help Hunter behave for her because he behaves for every other teacher. It's an extra curricular subject teacher, not his core teacher, who Hunter had been being silly and disruptive in her class. None of which had I been informed of until she kicked him out of class for it on Wednesday. I told her I can't fix something I don't know about.
I tried to tell her how Hunter feels about her....that she doesn't like him and other stuff. Well she cut me off and harshly said, "That is not true....." I held my ground and continued to tell her I was not saying that it's "true or correct" by any means, but it is how he "feels" and you can't argue that. I told her I am helping Hunter to understand that she probably really does like him even if she yells but that I though it was important for her to know how he feels. I could tell me standing my ground and not letting her walk all over me wasn't something she was expecting nor enjoyed. She did finally say I was right about that and I felt like she actually heard me for once.
Hunter has never so much as "pulled his light" in school so this is all new to me. Hunter was in big trouble when I found out he has been disrupting her class and I am hoping he learned his lesson! He is a super smart boy so I am thinking he'll be a quick learner with this experience.
I won't go into full detail of everything that was discussed....that's just a fraction of it.
This teacher is known by everyone, staff and parents alike, for being mean and yelling at the kids. I brought that up and I just wanted her to own that behavior because she kept telling me Hunter was making that all up. Which I know isn't true because I hear it from so many people and it totally fits her demeanor..............her normal voice is half way a yell as it is!! I even told her that I was sure there was often good reason to yell. And that I have deep respect for teachers, especially her. I told her I could never be a teacher because I would probably yell. And I said I would probably even pull ears and flick kids in the forehead when they got out of line. I went on to say it's hard for me to believe that she doesn't yell when I have two kids telling me otherwise. But once I told her what Kiersten has told me about how she treats her class she started to cry. That was not my intention at all!! I just wanted her to own her behavior because I knew it was true. I have never knowingly made or tried to make someone cry and would never mean to. I felt like such a mean person but strangely at the same time I was somewhat proud of myself for not getting walked all over for once.
So finally after two conversations with Mrs. Williams, the director of DPA, I felt much better and knew that other things must be going on with her for her to break down like that and it wasn't just me. I won't go into any more detail but I did feel like some good will come from this experience. I still feel bad that I upset her regardless and that day was so exhausting! Just as a side note I was also babysitting Carsyn Shupe all day on Thursday as well. Maybe they'll fire me from PTO President for this?
So now you know that I really needed the following day to be nice and easy.............. my Thursday was upsetting enough as it was.
The following day I knew would be busy with piano lessons for Kiersten and Hunter, violin lessons for Kiersten, Hunter and Logan, then riding lessons for just Kiersten, as Hunter had that opportunity taken away from him for his behavior in music class at school. Then Kiersten had a star party at the Discovery Park with her whole class and all 5th graders from the Valley. And I was going to see Twilight with Stacy, Tif and Amanda that night. So as you can see it was going to be a busy day!
Well I was still trying to recover from the day was about 9:30 in the morning and we needed to leave in about 30 minutes for piano. My dad came by to look at our tractor. I was outside talking to him about the tractor that won't run. When all of the sudden Mr. Grant comes up to me and starts wiping something he has all over his hands and is getting it all over my shirt. I look down just in time to get a woof of it............oh it's CRAP! Yea he put his hands down his diaper got out some poop, smushed it in his hands and yea wiped it ALL OVER MY SHIRT!
My dad was so out of there once he saw what it was. I was making all kinds of gross sounds so Mr. Grant would understand how nasty that was. He started saying, "I sorry Mommy!" over and over again. It was sweet of him to say he was sorry............but kind of difficult to keep the perspective that he won't be a child for long because I am hoping that NEVER happens to me again. I mean I have gone 10 years as a mother and never experienced that and I could have gone a lifetime without it and been just fine!
So it was literally a CRAPPY DAY!
Can you believe my sweet little dragon did that?

1 comment:

Alison said...

Bwah ha! This made me laugh so hard. Not the teacher part. The poop. You just made me feel so much better about my day. :)