Saturday, June 2, 2012

First Official Outing of the Summer

I packed up the kids and headed to the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson.
I know crazy right me and four's not the fact that it was four kids it's their ages I think that made people think I am nuts.  A 10 year old, 8 year old, 6 year old and then yes there is the glorious 2 year old!

It was actually the two year old that inspired the whole trip.

For months and months I have been dying to take Mr. Grant to see all the airplanes and helicopters at the museum.  I wanted to take him there before he out grows his LOVE of them.  I am not sure he ever will but just in case. I never could find a day that we weren't busy with other responsibilities until school was out.

So the first chance I got I piled up the kids and away we went.

We all loved the old time airplanes!
I just love my kiddos!

The kids did enjoy the space hanger.

There were lots of hands on things for them to do in there. 

Sometimes I feel like these two are from outer space!

 The wagon really came in handy walking from hanger to hanger.  We didn't go on the tram of the whole "bone yard."  It was a little to hot for that.  But hopefully we'll make it back and do that.

The kids loved the little bird nest in the nose of this airplane.  Someone here has a good kid friendly sense of humor.

It was a great place for our first outing of the summer!

There is a little air traffic control tower that they kids can play in.

There is even a plane just their size to play in....

and they can make the tail move by moving a lever.  The kids loved that!

Logan, Mr. Grant and Hunter

Then there is an actual airplane cockpit the kids can play in.  
Hunter decided he wants to be a pilot someday and learn what all the buttons are for.
I told him that was a great idea then he can fly me to the Bahamas!

Pilot Logan and his funny eyebrows!

I had a really hard time getting Mr. Grant out of this!

This was seriously Mr. Grant's reaction the whole time we were there.  He was running and talking about everything he saw.  And believe me he could not see it fast enough!

The kids wanted a picture with about every plane and helicopter!

What a big help Kiersten was all day!  I just love my girl!

Me and my boys....
I LOVE the ring of that!

It was a ton of fun...we all enjoyed seeing all the airplanes and helicopters.

There were plenty of fun things the kids could get in and touch.  I had a hard time getting Mr. Grant to want to leave this cockpit.
It amazes me how much Mr. Grant notices airplanes is the sky.  We can be driving in the car and he'll start yelling, "Airpain, airpain!"

Often times we'll be someplace and it will just be the sound of the airplane that gets his attention.  I have even told him, "no there is no airplane."  And then realized yes actually there is a airplane I can hear it.  His eyes and ears are just tuned for "Airpains and Helcopters!"

I love it!

I love that Kiersten and Hunter are old enough to read the little plaques with all the information on them.  Kiersten had read about this plane and how they dropped the bomb.  She was so good to explain it to her brothers.

We were luck enough to get one of the four wagons they have there.  They are free which was super nice.  Logan was a good helper and loved pulling  Mr. Grant.

                            Mr. Grant seriously has no idea how good he has it!

I can not express the excitement Mr. Grant had as soon as we walked in the first hanger.  I have pointing while trying to decided which direction to run in first. All which saying, "Look at dis one....look at dis one...look at dis one!"

It was more then worth the drive!  You would have thought it was a candy store the way Mr. Grant acted. Mr. Grant loved all the nose art......he would say, "Monster helcopter!"
 It was priceless!
A trip I will treasure forever!

The kids all loved getting to climb up to look inside the planes.  Mr. Grant was such a big boy and had to do it too.  

Hunter surprised me and showed more excitement then I thought he would.  He told me several times while we were there, "Mom I didn't know I liked airplanes so much until today!"

He of course liked this insignia of a cowboy.

This was unanimously the favorite bomber!
It can hold 10 people was from WWII.

Had to get pictures by the "Trouble-maker" sign....

Whoo girl put that attitude away! 

I love how they each pose so cute without any instructions!
Hmmm I wonder where they get that from?

It was fun to spend the day with just my kids.  Not that I don't love the neighbor kids, friends and cousins but being with just my kids reminds me how awesome they each are!

Mr. Grant 2 1/2 years old

Logan 6 1/2 years old

Hunter 8 1/2 years old

Kiersten 10 1/2 years old

Mr. Grant even loved the pictures of the airplanes!
 He inherited his love of airplanes from his Grampie Cluff.  Grampie said, "he wishes he still had his airplane to give Mr. Grant a ride in!"  How cute is that?  What a wonderful Grampie!

After a few hours of the museum it was time for some lunch so we headed over to the Cheesecake Factory, my favorite place!

The kids love it too.
They kind of got a little to giggly while we were in the restaurant.  But to be honest it was hard not to join them....they all have such contagious laughs!

We stopped at the mall to let the kids play in the play area.  I was actually good and didn't buy a thing besides some yummy yogurt!
I did splurge and let the kids each get their sharing this time!

By the time we headed home it was around 6:00.  Logan conveniently needed to use the restroom just as we were through Benson so we stopped at The Thing.
Everyone wanted to go inside because the store looks like it have pretty cool stuff in it just from the window.  And it did not disappoint..........the store had cool stuff.

Hunter looked at me and asked, "Mom do you think we could actually see The Thing?"

In his voice I could tell that he was sure the answer would be, "No."

I said, "Great idea! Let's do it!"

Hunter was jumping up and excited to tell the other kids.
After all the trips we've made to Tucson they finally were getting to see The Thing.....YIPPEE! 

They LOVED it!
It just made me laugh.....good thing my kids are easily entertained and excited!  When we were leaving Hunter kept talking about how he couldn't believe how cheap it was to see The Thing......, 

So it was a good day and there were only a couple of times that I thought to myself that I was crazy for doing it!

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