Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Night

I was sad to miss the boys school Halloween parade but I wasn't feeling that great and thought I should save my energy for tonight to go trick-or-treating.
Thanks Amber Ashby for the pictures of the boys.

I did check the boys out of school before hand so that I could do Hunter's make up.  He was super excited that I did that.  He LOVED his make up job!
It was honestly pretty gross looking……it looked like his face was melting off!  He made a good zombie for sure!

Logan made a spooky headless horseman!
Several people I guess were making comments about who was under that costume.  They loved it!

I love Halloween night!
I love that we go trick-or-treating as a family!
There might not be that many years left where all our kids will join with us in this tradition which is okay, but I will be sad when that day comes.

We were a scary sight for sure!
We had heard that the Safford Nursing Home was having a haunted house and trick-or-treating through out their halls.  We decided to give it a try and see what it was like.
It was AWESOME!  The haunted house was great and the kids got plenty of candy.  It was good for them to see the elderly people sitting outside their rooms handing out candy.  They got so much candy we decided just to go to Sandra Smith's house (which is another tradition of ours on Halloween) and then trick-or-treat down their street.  I love walking down the streets on Halloween night and seeing other people dressed up.  I love watching my kids walk up to houses and trick-or-treat the traditional way.  I am not a big fan of trunk-or-treats……….Not sure exactly why but I'm just not.

Our little werewolf couldn't quite make the drive home!

The kids were pretty excited when they saw that Sandra had gotten them so many full size candy bars!!!  They really hit the jackpot!

I loved listening to Grant say, trick-or-treat in his little 4 year old voice!

Plenty of candy and plenty of fun for one night!
Happy Halloween!

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