Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Craft Time @ Cub's Corner

The resort has a kids craft room called Cub's Corner. There are a variety of things to make and do.
Kiersten and Hunter first made a camp journal. They had a fun time doing it! I helped Hunter out a lot as this was the day he had got his cast on and wasn't feeling to good.
Logan enjoyed playing at the little tikes computer!
The kids also made a picture frame with glitter paints. As you can imagine Kiersten was so excited for this project!
Hunter was happy to know that he can kind of paint with his left hand. Good thing huh?
Look at the firished projects...........Beautiful!
This is part of the craft room. You can read, watch movies or just take a rest. So cute!
Logie getting a little Daddy love! He does adore his dad!
Mommy helping the boys color. Hunter needed to have someone hold down his paper so he could color. He was a little frustrated that he didn't color as good with his left hand as he does with his right. But he tried really hard and thats what counts!
Hunter is always posing when I am going to take a picture. And Logan is just as cute as can be! He tried really hard to smile in this picture.
Justin doing what he does best...................resting!
The last and final project for the week was making lotion and body spray. What a fun party this would make for a group of girls!

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