Monday, January 12, 2009

If we can't catch it maybe we should become friends with it?

So after several days of looking for the mouse, Hunter had another plan. He decided to become friends with the mouse. He was worried that the mouse might not be able to find any food because the door to our pantry is really hard to open. I saw this piece of gum stuck to the side of my cabinets and knew it had to be Hunter's doing. I asked Hunter what it was for and he explained it was for the mouse.
I thought it was cute how Hunter taped it up right at the level the mouse could get it. He said he taped it up so I wouldn't sweep it up. The mouse never found the gum, but we found the mouse! Thank goodness!!!


anna said...

Becky!! Hey I just stumbled onto your blog from Candee's and have spent the last 30 min. catching up on your life! You and Justin look so good! And, you kids are so dang cute! I love your blog. We totally need to get together sometime w/ Jeremy, Kami, Candee....everyone, meet up down there and go out. It would be so fun to catch up.

touch of glass said...

Always love your blog. Can't wait to go dunning this weekend. See you Friday night right??

Tifani said...

Well I now know who to call when I need some help mice. He is so dang cute!!! Tell him aunt Tif is proud of him!! Love you all

Shawna said...

He is so adorable! What a smart, funny little guy! I loved all your pictures too. I've been browsing but i haven't commented. Loved them though. Your family is so adorable and fun!

bonnie said...

BECKY! hey there I found your blog through Donelle's. Your blog is so cute! Your kids are darling. So how the heck are you?