Sunday, January 11, 2009

Santa Claus Came to Town

We were all so excited to be in our own house and be TOGETHER for Christmas! The kids could hardly contain themselves. They acted like radioactive tree moneys all evening..............I love it! Christmas eve energy in kids is just something I truely love and can fully remember from my childhood. We did out usual tradition of driving around to look at Christmas lights, read the Christmas story, put out cookies for Santa and fell fast asleep
Next thing we knew he had came........
Hunter was thrilled about the air gum he got from Santa. It was just what he asked for a "shooter gun." Santa made sure it can't shoot out windows so I think we'll be OK, or there will be excited posts that follow due to this present! Logan was very happy with his Monster Trucks!
Kiersten was excited to get some crafts. She loves to be making things.
Kiersten was very happy to get her very own sewing machine from Santa. We've had some problems with it and need to get it fixed so thats been a bummer.
Logan and Hunter both got Leapster 2. Hunter was more excited than Logan, but Justin was excited so thats good! Justin is always surprised Christmas morning to see exactly what Santa brought the kids.
Hey Santa really came through for the Cluff kids this year, they each got bikes that fit them. Yeah for that! Logan was just bouncing off the walls because he got a bike. He rode it all around the house. It was raining so they couldn't ride them outside Christmas morning, so we put them in the unfinished basement.
Justin and I both had to give the kids pumps on thier bikes because they had the cool pegs on them. Remember riding on the pegs of bikes as a kid? That was so fun to do!
It did stop raining and they kids couldn't wait to get out there and try their bieks out in the open air with more room to ride.
Hunter and I had fun with the air gun!
Hunter had taken a really long nap, so he stayed up and played his Leapster 2 for probably two hours and Justin played with Logan's.
Justin was so proud of his coloring he wanted me to take a picture of it.
They sure are a couple of handsome men!

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