Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Eve............Party Time Baby!

So Justin thought he was going to "shut down" and take it's New Year's Baby, can we say Party Time! The kids let him know his behavior was not acceptable and the fun began. They were so excited that the resort had put all this fun stuff in our room for New Year's. Hats, lei's, horns, noise makers, the works! You know I love a good party and with a 500 room resort booked to full capacity, you defiantly get a PARTY! Good thing it's a huge place huh? We decided to get in our
pj's and head out to see what was going on. The resort had games, face painting, crafts, dancing and lots more, but it was crazy madness with a handful of liquored up parents (Crazy I tell you!), so we decided the arcade was a great way to spend our evening.
Kiersten loved getting the long strips of tickets and had a great time getting them.
The kids love this game and I think Justin does just as much!
Logan was a HOOT! Every time he threw the ball he jumped (he loves to jump) and threw his arms in the air and yelled "I WON, I WON!" He was so funny to watch he drew a crowd at times.
Logan just loving his game! He did it for most of the night and actually got quite good at it!
What a cute boy! He loved the ice cream truck as well.
Hunter with his long strip of tickets. He was so thrilled with himself! He kept saying he wanted to keep the tickets so he could remember how good he was at the games!
They so almost made it to ring in the New Year....................11:45. That is pretty amazing for my kids because they are so good about going to bed at 8. They tried hard and were just going to "rest their eyes." It was a fun night and a great place to ring in the New Year with our kiddos. Justin and I were left to ring in the New Year by ourselves. No complaints here!


Welcome said...

Hey Becky! I came across your blog, and thought I would let you know my Hunter thought it was pretty cool to see Hunter Cluff on the computer! My Hunter wanted to know why Hunter didnt show him that cool sword. I thought it was pretty cute! You guys sure know how to have fun! Your kids are so cute!!

TheShumWAYS said...

Looks like you had a blast over the Christmas vacation with lots of stuff to journal about.