Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sweet Little Guy

These are the most recent pics of little peanut. I had to have a ultrasound at my last appointment because I am measuring 4 weeks small. Everything looked good and baby measures right on for my due date. He is about 6 1/2 lbs right now, has a little hair and has some obvious chubby cheeks! This picture is a good shot of his cute little face. It shows his eyes, button nose, lips and chubby cheeks. His left hand is up by his face.
This picture is him giving me a thumbs up!!! He kept putting his thumb cute. It shows a little bit of his face, but most of it is covered with his right arm and then his hand. I am going to be scheduled to be induced on September 22nd, which is a week early. Dr. Kudlinski said the hospital has been good about getting patience in within 24 hours of their scheduled time. We will be delivering at Banner Gateway which is a new hospital and we are excited because we've heard it's super nice and it's close for my parents to get to! Hope and pray all goes as planned! I am just so excited for this new little spirit to join our family. We've been painting his room, I'll post pictures soon, getting his clothes all washed and buying baby stuff we haven't had in the house for a couple of years. So fun!
This picture shows his little button nose and lips! Two weeks or less and we'll get to hold this bundle of joy and we are soooooo ready! I have been feeling better than I remember feeling with my other pregnancies at 8 1/2 months pregnant so that's been nice. I am definitely in the "nesting mood," which has been fun and exhausting at the same time! We think we are ready, but is anyone ever "ready" for a baby?


Susan and Don said...

He is a little little guy to get to come to your family! I can't wait to hear he is safely here.

Alison said...

Holy Moly, you don't even look half way done! I can't believe how fantastic you're looking. Good luck.

Us said...

Hey Becky I work postpartum at that hospital so I will probably see you there!