Monday, June 7, 2010

The Cluff Family Scripture Vacation Begins............

We have been working hard reading our scriptures regularly this year. My sweet mother-in-law came up with the idea to put some money away for everyday that each family read their scriptures together. For me this task isn't always or even usually easy, but I looked forward to the challenge. It was a huge incentive to do it because we had to "report" to someone else wither or not we had read. Generally speaking we read about every other day.............but we knew we could do better...........and we DID!
It was a great experience for our family! We weren't perfect by any means.................but we did pretty good. It was fun to have the kids remind us to have scripture study. Over the year I have realized for me I just HAVE TO MAKE scripture reading a habit...........that's the only way it gets done. For us it's not one of those things that just falls into place. It seems like we are either too busy, too tired, running late, etc, etc. After a year of really trying harder to make family scripture study a habit I have learned a few things that help us. The main thing is just scheduling what time of day, morning or evening, that would be best. The next thing is JUST DO IT! That's all there is to it! This experience has strengthened my testimony of the importance of family scripture study.
So with the money we all earned we took a family scripture vacation to Phoenix. We left on a Thursday and got home on a Monday. The first place the women and kids met up at was Makudo Island. The men couldn't come until after work. Oh the fun....
When we first got to Makudo Island Mr. Grant was so cute to watch. He LOVED the carpet and acted like if he tried hard enough he could pick up the leaves in the carpet design. Mr. Grant with his cousin Jordon Curtis. They are only 2 weeks apart.........Mr. Grant being older. He looks like such a giant next to Jordon. Having fun building a fort! Some of the kids danced with Makudo.
Ashley, Logan and Maliya..........three silly four year olds! They had a blast together!
Jared, Maliya, Jacob and Ashley
He had a ball and it shows.
Mr. Grant and Maddie
Hunter won some serious tickets..........he was thrilled about that!
Hunter, Logan and Doyle
Kiersten and Kaley showed off their awesome dance moves. They were so fun to watch............they both got so in to it!
Nice chair Bud!
I Love This Picture!
Just being silly! We always have a fun time visiting Makudo on his Island! Oh the fun has just began.

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