Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort

was where we got to stay. The kids had a fun time going down the water slide.......and I think everyone enjoyed the lazy river.

Kaely and Kiersten
These two girls have so much fun when they are together. It's fun to watch them be so girly! Kiersten really is a wonderful daughter! I am so grateful she's my girl!

I just LOVE Justin! And boy is he luck I do.........he, he..........honestly we've been through A LOT! I am so glad to be where we are at in our relationship.............the best is yet to come for sure! When we do stuff with other couples it's clear to see we really do love and appreciate each other. We get along so good...........we realize that, more and more when we hang out with other couples. Justin is a sweet guy!

Maliya, Hunter and Maddie. The cousins had a great time playing together in the water. I love swimming so it was my kind of vacation as well.

I love Maddie's smile in this picture.

The eyes of a fish.........Logan is seriously part fish! He started swimming without floaties when he was just two. He LOVES the water! This summer he even learned how to swim down to the bottom of the pool to get diving sticks. Not a whole lot of four year olds can do that.

Doesn't he have a handsome face. I love the beads of water. It is a treat to be Logan's mom! I really feel blessed to have the wonderful kids that I have............not that they don't test my patience on a daily basis............but none the less THEY ARE WONDERFUL!

Justin, Hunter, Logan and I enjoyed a game of goofy golf. It wasn't the best course but we didn't care. It was a lot of fun and that's all that mattered to us.
It was cute seeing Logan ask his Daddy for help.
One of the few obstacles of the course.
Katelynn, Logan and Maliya
Mr. Grant L~O~V~E~D the water............and Logan for some reason. Mr. Grant really does like Logan even though Logan gets right in his face. It's fun to watch them interact.
My sweet baby!
He wouldn't smile for a fact this was one of the few pictures where he is actually looking towards the camera. Mr. Grant wanted to keep looking at the water.........but I wanted the water in the background....... for a picture with Justin I gave in and let Mr. Grant look towards the water.........and there is his adorable smile!
I think Mr. Grant is going to be a fish like Logan.
Mr. Grant was in heaven. Can you tell Justin works in an office?
Nice tan babe!
Hunter...just being Hunter! He is a cute kid! He is growing up too fast. Hunter really is too smart for his own good.
I just love my family!
Matt and Maddie. Maddie was so cute in the water. I had a great time having her ride on my tube down the lazy river! My in-laws were so nice to stay in the hotel room and watch the babies for us while we played at the pool. It made it super nice.........especially on Saturday when we hung out at the pool all day.
The Player family.......Maddie, Matt, Kristen and Maliya.
They are a lot of fun and we miss hanging out with them like we use to years ago. Not sure what ever happened that made us stop doing as much together.........guess life just got busy. I have always enjoyed talking with Kristen.......she just makes me laugh!
We love them!
Uncle Chris and Hunter
Hunter seriously ADORES Chris! Chris is wonderful with all the kids. Hunter keeps asking me when he can go down and stay a few days with Uncle Chris. He tells me all the things he would bring............the Wii, his Nintendo DS, his swim suit, and money to buy pizza and ice cream for him and Chris. It's just fun to hear Hunter dream about going to stay a few day with them. Not that it will ever happen..........but it's like I always say........It's good to dream!
Maliya, Mr. Grant and Logan
The cousins just had a ball running from room to room.
They did some serious game playing these two guys!
Thanks Chris for being so the way we think you have the best wife in the world!!
Hunter told me he wanted me to put LOTS of picture of him and Uncle Chris on my blog. Melissa and Chris are going to be AMAZING parents someday!
It was surprising how well all the kids got along on this long weekend trip. Especially considering what most Sunday dinners are like.........YIKES! The whole weekend combined wasn't as hectic as one typical Sunday dinner. I am sure having nothing but fun kid activities planned all weekend helped a ton! We need to do this every year I think!


Missus Elle said...

melissa and chris parents?????????? HUH!! if this is true? I demand to know hahaha. :) I love all your blog posts! Your kiddos are so lucky to get to go out and do all this with you!

bonnie said...

I love the Point, we have stayed there before and it is so much fun. I am glad you got to have a fun vacation,we just went to amazing jakes and my kids loved it. We had a lot of fun. Cute family!