Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sweet Logie Bear

On Saturday I was doing a Crossfit workout to make up for missing Thursday.
This was the WOD...
"Tiger's Blood Baby!"
Three rounds for time of:
400 meter run
41 kettle bell swings 30lbs
30 burpees
22 pull ups
It was a tough WOD! It took me 49 minutes to I was down in the basement for quite a while. I have been doing Crossfit for 6 months now and love it! Well I love feeling healthy and seeing how much stronger I have become.
"Strong is the New Skinny!"
On my birthday I did my first real pull up, chin above the bar, but hadn't gotten more then one pull up here and there since. Well two weeks ago I was at the kids school visiting with Kiersten and her friends on the playground. There was a bar just the right for pull ups. I was so shocked when I did three REAL pull ups! I have just been doing jumping pull ups in the WODs since I did my original first real pull up back in July.
So after that day at the school, I have been doing REAL pull ups ever since. One day I did
83 REAL pull ups during a WOD.
For this WOD I did all 66 pull ups........REAL Full Pull Ups!
It's great to see yourself improve and get stronger!
I can't say I enjoy the daily butt kicking that Crossfit is.............but man am I loving the results!!!
Any way enough about Crossfit.......First Logan came down and gave me a cup full of cold water. He just sat it on my box jump and said, "I love you mom!" and walked back upstairs.
Then a little later he comes down with a card he had drawn and had help from Justin writing me a message which said....."I really really love you mom!" He even brought me some little jewels because I am a princess he said! He wouldn't really interrupt me, he would just walk in and put down his gifts and walk out. I would tell him "thank you, you are such a good boy..........I love you Logie Bear!" Then I showed him how to make a heart with your hands and every time he came down I would give him the heart sign. He was just beaming and to be honest so was I! He asked me if I needed more water and of course I did. The second time he came down with water the cup had tape with hearts drawn on it! Such a creative little 5 year old! He did a great job drawing all sizes of hearts! Logan just loves to draw, he isn't that into coloring but drawing he loves! I love his little heart people! Logan just loves giving me the heart sign now! Thank you Logie for being such a sweet boy! He just made my day...........I wanted to stay down working out longer just to see all the sweet things he was going to do for me! I Love You Logie Bear!

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