Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"But it tould be fun mom!"

Mr. Grant's new thing is when he wants something he'll tell me, 
"But it tould be fun mom!"
The other day I had just fixed his hair so the spray bottle was out.  He took the spray bottle out and sprayed me in the face.  I told him, "NO you can't do that!  It's not nice!!!"
He so sweet and innocently said, "But it tould be fun mom!"
It was so adorable I couldn't refuse. I just let him spray me in the face all he wanted.
We both laughed and had a great time!
I love it when two year old say the most convincing things.........so hard to tell them no!

This picture just makes me smile!  Mr. Grant LOVES airplanes!

I remembered I had this GEO Trac train set that we had all kinds of airplane attachments to.  I got this out one day and he seriously played with it for hours!!  We had to keep it out in the play room for over a month and he played with it daily.  The GEO Trac train set has been a wonderful investment toy for sure.  We have had a lot of it for over 6 years now and kids still love playing with it! We added to the set over several years but we got our first set for Hunter's second birthday.

Mr. Grant was one HAPPY boy with his "Airpain!"

1 comment:

Sarah said...

that's the cutest thing ever. i love little two year old voices and the hilarious things they come up with!