Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kiersten's Story Made My Day!

 Thanks to my friend Jamie Allen I have these pictures of Kiersten dancing with company at the Cinco De Mayo Celebration.  Thanks Jamie!
Kiersten is an AMAZING dancer and looks like she is having the time of her life the whole time she is performing!  I always have people telling me how fun it is to watch her and how she really gets your attention.
I heard a wonderful story about Kiersten on the day of the awards assembly at the school.

A mom of a little girl in Kiersten's class (I won't mention names), came up to me after the school awards were over.  She expressed to me how grateful she was for Kiersten.  She told me that Kiersten was the one person that had made school enjoyable for her daughter every single day.  The mom went on to say how her daughter had struggled this year with the other girls in the 5th grade.  The mom cried as she talked about it.  It just broke my heart............girls this age can be so snotty, moody and rude.  I am at the school a lot so I've seen it first hand.  She told me that Kiersten was the only girl in the whole class that had ALWAYS been kind to her daughter.  She went on to say that every day that her daughter came home sad or upset because some of the girls were mean to her, she would have a story about how Kiersten included her or how Kiersten stood up for her.

I could not have been prouder of Kiersten!  

I told Kiersten about my conversation with this mom later in the day and I expressed to Kiersten how grateful I am for her example.  I love that she wants to include everyone and wants to make sure everyone is happy!  Kiersten has the most tender heart and I wouldn't want it any other way!  I told Kiersten that this story means more to me then her year long straight A's (well she has actually never received anything but A's in all of her schooling which is pretty remarkable in itself)............ those A's are AWESOME as well!
I think there is not much better then hearing stories of how your children show remarkable character!  That's just not something they study getting an "A".
I just love being Kiersten's mom!

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