Friday, July 11, 2014

Treasure the Moment

It's not always easy to enjoy the moment that you are in.  Some times I find myself thinking that things will be so great when this or that happens.  I really am going to try and focus more on how great things are right in the moment that I am in.  Without always thinking a future scenario will be much better.  I love to think about the future and all the things I'd like to accomplish but I need to be more present in the moment!
These are a few of my favorite quotes!

Since memories are one of the few things we can take with us when we leave this earth I hope to fill my life with the best memories I can!  I hope to create good memories for my children and family to take with them as well.  I am grateful to know that families can be together forever!

Being a photographer this quote is my most favorite!

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