Wednesday, August 6, 2014

And So it Begins...

Another school year has begin.  I needed a few more weeks of summer but ready or not, here we go!

Silvio - Senior, Kiersten - 8th Grade, Logan - 3rd Grade, Grant - preschool, Hunter - 6th Grade

Silvio was pretty excited when he found out they were going to consider him a senior.  He'll have classes with sophomores and juniors but as far as what class he is in, he's a senior and happy about it!

Logan, 8 years old, 3rd Grade
Because of our busy after school schedule and the fact that DPA gets out at 3:30 we made the choice to switch Logan to Pima.  He was super excited so that made the decision even easier!
His teacher is Ms. Ybarra and she is an absolute sweetheart!  I know Logan is going to have a great year!!!
Update on Logan..... he did not like Pima school!  Ms. Ybarra was amazing but a few kids weren't.  Poor guy missed all his friends and the familiarity of DPA!  After having him cry a handful of time to me we decided that regardless of schedules Logan needed to be where he felt good about himself.  So after just 3 days at Pima we switched him back!  
Guess we'll just have to figure out the crazy schedule and how to get him from school everyday!  But at least now he loves school again!
When he started telling me how he just "didn't feel like he could be himself at Pima.  And that a little boy was mean to him.   Wouldn't let him play on their football teams.  Same little boy tripped him two different days, Justin and I knew it wasn't a good fit, at least for this year for Logan.   That and the fact that this sweet but highly autistic boy is in his class and yells a lot, walks around the classroom and touches the other kids off and on all day.  I just felt that for Logan that was not going to be the best learning environment.  
So we are hoping that he can get adjusted and have another great year of school!

Hunter 10, 6th Grade
Hunter was excited to go to Pima.  DPA ends at 5th grade so all his friends were moving over to Pima as well.  Hunter is super happy to have Mrs. Debbie Turley for his homeroom teacher.  She is awesome and we became friends on our trip to Mexico!
Hunter is a character!  I told him he might want to save this bright colored outfit for another day of school.  Not the first day at a new school.  His response was, "No it's okay.  This was people will remember me!!!"
Yes they will Hunter!  This year he switches classes every hour.  He didn't even act nervous about it!  This kid has great confidence in himself and I love it!

Kiersten is super excited to be an 8th grader!
Can't believe she'll be in high school next year!  Makes me so sad..... where has the time gone and how can I get it back?  Kiersten is excited to be the top dog at the junior high!  Heres to a great year!  This year Kiersten is taking a math class at the high school and I so proud of her for exceeding her AIMS testing last year, especially considering her math teacher was horrible (the teacher was fired 3/4 way through the school year, so when I say she was bad I am being nice).  But Kiersten always pushed herself to learn the math at home, with the help of her dad!  She is a great girl!

Grant's last year of preschool!

Another year of Brighter Day Preschool and speech lessons.  Can't beat free preschool and transportation.  This year because of the bus route Grant gets picked up 30 minutes early and is dropped of 30 minutes after school is out.  So Ella and I have a full 3 hours to ourselves!!!
I am hoping once our dance, violin, soccer and gymnastics schedules get in full play that I don't loose  my mind!!!  Oh and Silvio is doing football!!   Gonna be a crazy busy  and exciting year!

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