Saturday, August 16, 2014

Roosevelt Lake

We've been wanting to make it to the lake this whole summer and it's just never worked out.  So we finally found a Saturday that worked!

We were super excited to have Guy Hollar and Justice Nelson be able to join us for some fun!

Grant and I having a turn on one of the tubes! Silvio pulled us on the jet ski.  Made for an adventurous time for sure!

It was such a fun day!

Hunter was excited that Justice got to come with us!
Shoot all of us were excited about that.  He is a great kid!

As we were out on the jet ski letting Justice have a turn at wake boarding we saw this beautiful rainbow!  So grateful to have a loving Heavenly Father who continually shows us his love!
Isn't it beautiful!

I was the one that got to show Silvio how to drive the jet skis.  Let's just say, he's just as scary of a driver on the water as he is on land!  LOL........ but by the end of the day he was pretty good!
In the process he threw me off the jet ski.  I warned him that he might not want to make a habit of that unless he enjoys being grounded!  
In all fairness, I threw him off first!  Hehehe.....

Everyone enjoyed the new tubes we got for the trip.  I like this one especially cause you get to sit up in it!

The kids all had a BLAST!

Guy is such a great person!  We sure are luck to get to spend some time with him!

Grant gave the day at the lake two thumbs up!

Guy is such a good sport and was always willing to do whatever the kids wanted him to. 

This picture makes me super happy!
I have not been wake boarding since my college days so I wasn't even sure if I would be able to get up.  But to my surprise I got up on my first try!! WOOT HOOT!!  Pretty big feat considering it's a jet ski pulling me up and not a boat.  Much harder to fight the water behind a jet ski.  A boat just lifts you up out of the water, such is not the case with jet skis.
Now I didn't get up every time, but I did get up about 7 times.  After that my arms were shot!

Kiersten on the other hand was like a professional at wake boarding.  Even though this was her first time!  She did amazing!  It was so fun to watch her!
Hunter was able to get up as well.  Silvio tried around 15 times but never quite got up.  Maybe next lake trip he will.

These kids are really enjoying their older brother.  They think, they need to go to Italy to visit him when he leaves!  We'll have to see about that!

Logan is such a stud!
He had a great day hanging out at the lake!

Guy was a wake boarding fool!!!
It was a fabulous day with wonderful people!
Can't wait for our next trip!  Although next time everyone will be putting on a lot more sunscreen!

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