Thursday, March 24, 2016


This little cutie is the worse eater I have ever had!!!  Even when she was a baby and first trying foods.  She would hardly eat any kind of baby food and nothing has changed as she has gotten older.

She pretty much only loves CARBS!  Really I have to force her to take a few bites of baby food in the squeeze bottles in order for her to get any veggies or fruits.  She honestly will eat NO fruits or vegetables on her own!  And getting her to take a few swallows of that baby/toddler food is still a fight.

But today I discovered she thinks one thing tastes yummy....

Yes that would be play-doh!
Ella LOVES to play with play-doh.  Never before has she tasted it.  But today she was playing with it and then came and found me folding laundry.  She was super excited to inform me that "Play-doh is yummy mommy!!!"

Seriously she would not stop saying how "yummy play-doh is."
I am wondering if her taste buds did not properly develop or something???  Honestly, Ella is the worse eater but look at how cute she is.  So really what can you do.  I did try to talk her in to not licking the play-doh and eventually I just had to put it up.
Oh what a character she is!!!  She sure keeps me on my toes but I wouldn't change it for the world!

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