Thursday, December 3, 2009

Am I Finally Four Mommy?

Logan's actually birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year. He was very confused and distraught when we told him he wasn't yet four at his birthday party. That just doesn't make sense in four year old land! Everyday since his party he has asked me when he will be four. All day Thanksgiving morning he would ask, "Mommy am I four yet?"
my reply, "Yes you are finally four today!"
Logan's responds was an energetic, "Tank you Mommy, Tank you!"
It was as if he thought I was the one keeping him from being four and I had finally decided to give in or something!
He was very excited we had saved our gifts for to open on his actual birthday! Yeah...........a remote control car, now he can race Hunter! I love Hunter's face. You'd of thought it was his birthday as well.
Cars, Cars, and MORE Cars!!!
Wow Logan that's a ton of cars!
This was his big surprise and he loved it and all his new cars. Logan can play with hot wheels cars for hours so this is a good investment!

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