Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Secret Elves

Every year we do something for Doyle's sock, in honor of Justin's brother who committed suicide. This year we really involved the kids. We found a family in need and the kids went with me to Walmart to get stuff for the kids, three girls. Our kids had been saving their chore money to buy each other Christmas gifts. I picked out toys for each kid then let them decide which of the toys I got that they wanted to "buy" from me to give to each other. This way the kids don't end up with three cheap little toys that just break.
So we had already done that before going to Walmart to shop for the girls. I told them to bring their money with them and if they felt like buying something for the girls they could but it was up to them.
We got the three girls each an outfit and a jacket. Then we got them each a toy and two games for them to play. Our kids had a fun time deciding what the girls might like. Both Kiersten and Hunter used all the money they had left to help pay for the gifts. It was a great experience to see them choose to give their hard earned money to girls they don't even know. Kiersten expressed to me how good she felt and that she didn't know shopping for girls she didn't know with her own money would be as fun as it was.
The kids helped me wrap the gifts. Then on Christmas Eve we went to deliver the gifts. We were able to drop off the gifts and run behind some cars to watch the girls find the gifts. It was a special experience to see how excited the girls were to find the gifts. They read who's each gift was while outside and jumped up and down. What better what to be filled with Christmas Spirit!

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