Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fire Away!

Well Kiersten got to run errands with Christi and I told Hunter that we could do something fun while Kiersten was gone. He wanted to shoot a BB Gun, but we don't have one. So I called my Dad and of course he had a couple to choose from. My Dad said Hunter could just take it home and use it all he wanted. Hunter was in HEAVEN!!! We had just watched the movie, "The Christmas Story" about the Red Rider BB Gun. Hunter kept saying, "Yes Mom I know YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT!!!" Logan wanted to join in the fun so Hunter let him use his air socket gun. Hunter was shooting at these cans. The little plastic cans to the right are empty sprinkles containers, so pretty small. Hunter's very first shot knocked one of those small cans over. Hunter does a great job taking his time and concentrating on his target.
I use to love shooting my brothers BB guns! I was such a Tom Boy back in the day! The great thing is that Hunter can cock the gun all my himself! Hunter is learning responsibility and gun safety. Every time he talks about BB guns he says , "yeah and remember that Uncle Brian shot Aunt Amy with his BB gun when they were kids!"

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