Thursday, December 3, 2009


What a cute family I have! I am so very thankful to be together as a family this year! I have much to be thankful for..........
The gospel of Jesus Christ,
my testimony,
Each of my sweet children,
Justin, my high school sweetheart,
having a healthy and HAPPY baby boy, Grant!,
good friends,
helpful extended family,
a warm and beautiful home,
a gorgeous backyard.............with grass!,
the atonement of Jesus Christ,
each of my siblings,
my wonderful mother,
my talented dad,
good health,
little boys that pee right outside the car when you are getting gas at minit market,
Kiersten loving to shop as much as I do,
fountain Pepsi
and so much more!!!
The Lord really has blessed me!
Thanksgiving 2009
We ate at Grammie and Grampie Cluff's, then had seconds at Grammie Boswells. All the food was wonderful and we ate way too much as usual! Me and my four babies!! They each bring me great joy! Not that it's easy but I am trying hard to enjoy what I can, when I can...............thats the advice I got from a very wise friend! I will someday want to go back to the years when my kids were little and still liked me! Hunter did a dang good job taking our picture!

1 comment:

Donelle said...

Looks like Thanksgiving was a hit. Also, loved the pirate party. May have to copy it one day. We are headed back to AZ in 11 days. Let's get together!