Saturday, December 18, 2010

Turkey Day

Took the kids to Central Park for a photo shoot!
Okay not so much.......but it makes for an amazing picture right!
The magic of green screen!
Thanks Amy for this adorable idea!
It turned out so cute as did the picture of her kids in these costumes! Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkey day began with the Turkey first time! Mac and I were so pumped...........JP was a fabulous cheer leader! My goal was to run the whole way and surprisingly enough .............drum roll please........ I actually did it! Ran my first 5K! YIPPEE! Thanks to the Shupe girls for the rockin' music mix they made for me! It really helped me keep running! Did I mention..........IT WAS FREEZING COLD!
Now bring on the FEAST! So much to be thankful for! One thing is for sure we were all thankful to have our sweet friends, The Pryor's join us for Thanksgiving dinner at Justin's parents house. And grateful for sweet in-laws that made them feel right at home. As in keeping with our family tradition.........Justin took the boys shooting. And yes that is an M16. The boys love, love going shooting with their dad! Don't worry the gun isn't even loaded while Justin took these pictures! So no need to call CPS on us or anything! Looks like the shooting was a success from the look on Logan's face. The boys didn't even care that it was FREEZING! Hunter talked for days about the plans for shooting on Thanksgiving day! He was slightly excited I would say! It was a great day with family and friends. Of course we made second rounds to my parents for a doubly delicious thanksgiving dinner!

1 comment:

BiggsFamily said...

I always love reading your blog!! Such cute pictures of Logan's party and thanksgiving! I LOVE that picture of your pilgrims and indians!! Looks like you had a GREAT Thanksgiving!! We sure are lucky to have you and your family as neighbors!