Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Morning!!

He was a morning full of surprise and fun, so I'd say it was a successful Christmas morning.

We were all excited to see what the man in red had left us!

We had to say our goodbyes to Peppp until next year.

Logan left Peppp one of the kisses we got as a treat from the North Pole one morning when Peppp returned home.  Logan wanted Peppp to have a little treat for his long night of delivering presents with Santa.

The kids made cinnamon rolls for Santa this year and Silvio wrote the note to Santa.  I love it!

There was glitter dust left from Santa being in our house, even though messes like that aren't my favorite thing, this time it was pretty cool!

Santa must have brushed up against the fire place on his way up the chimney.  You can't see it in this picture but the white powder is real glittery.

Looks like the Cluff kids have been good this year!

I guess Santa even thought Ella had been good :)

Getting the kids to wait a minute while I took these few pictures was like torture!

Hunter made Grant a Mickey Mouse duct tape wallet and Grant got Hunter a Hex Bug.  I love that Hunter took the time to make Grant something for Christmas.

Grant was jumping up and down when he saw that Santa had brought him Curious George slippers!!  It was so fun to watch his excitement!

We got around and each take a turn opening presents.  We decided to let Ella sleep in so she wasn't grouchy.  This year we told the kids it had to be 6:00 before they could open presents or come upstairs.  They all slept down stairs, except for Ella.

Kiersten got just what she asked headphones.

Silvio was shocked to see we got him just what he pills!!

Silvio was so sweet and extremely generous.....we got all the kids gifts even though I told him we could just add his name to the Christmas drawing so he'd only have to get one present.  Logan loved the semi truck from Silvio.  It was fun to take Silvio Christmas shopping and see his excitement buying the kids gifts.

Grant also loved what Silvio got him!

One gift the kids all got was $100.  Silvio got a Book of Mormon written in Italian.  One gift the kids got was a Mickey Mouse shirt and it explained that their big gift from us would come in Feburary when we take them to DISNEYLAND!!!!  The $100 was to be saved for that trip and spend on food and any souvenirs that they might want while there.  I love giving a trip as one of the three gifts our kids get from Justin and I.  It feels like a gift for myself :)

Hunter was pretty excited to get a range finder.  This kid could get all hunting stuff and be happy!

Those Curious George slippers look good on you Mr. Grant!

Silvio got Hunter a coyote call and his favorite candy apple suckers.

Once Ella woke up she loved Christmas morning!

Silvio even got me something.......a $500 apple gift card!  I about died when I saw this.........I love his humor!  $500 written super big, with just kidding it's only $35 written small under it.

Ella would have been happy just to climb on the boxes!

Silvio's mom had sent a package of Christmas goodies.  Christmas morning each kid gets to have a chocolate teddy bear............Grant loved this tradition!

Grant LOVES to comb his hair, or anyone else's for that matter.  So he loved the comb he got that flips out like a switch blade knife.

Ella LOVED her first baby doll and her stroller.  We were all so shocked to see how good she pushed it!  She just took off like she had been doing it for months.  She still isn't walking yet so we were impressed with her stroller skills.

Hunter was happy with all his ASU attire!

Logan was equally happy with his running attire!

We shared in another tradition of Silvio's having this cake after opening gifts.

It was sweet of Silvio to let Grant help shake the powdered sugar all over it.

The cake was delicious topped with chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

For lunch we had wheat waffles with strawberries and cool whip as well as homemade buttermilk syrup, a Cluff Christmas tradition.  It was a great Christmas morning.  We are looking forward to getting the rest of our Christmas gifts in February when we made our trip to Disneyland.


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