Wednesday, August 3, 2016

1st Day of School

Where did the summer go?
Seriously it flew by.....guess we must have been having fun!

You are looking at Sophomore Class President right here!  Woot Woot!
I don't want Kiersten to be a sophomore but I am so proud of the young woman she is becoming!  She is amazing and I love her more than I can express.  This lady has one busy year ahead of her.  She is taking a dual college credit zero hour class, Western Civilization, which means she has to be to school at 6:30 in the morning.  She doesn't get out of school till 3:36 and then has to leave for dance at 5:10.  Her dance classes go till 8:30 every night but Wednesday's.  On Wednesday's they start at 5:00 and get out at 7:00, then she'll go straight to mutual.  I am not sure where she is going to find the time to study or do homework.  I already feel sorry for her and just thinking about her schedule makes me tired!!!

Watch out 5th grade, here comes Logan Cluff!

Logan and us decided it was time for him to switch over to Pima school this year.
He said he is "ready for the ladies!"
Watch out.....can't imagine what he is going to be like when he gets hormones!
He is going to do amazing this year!  Such a fun and smart kid!

Hunter is a big, bad 8th grader this year!
Okay maybe not so big, but he is super cool!  Still waiting on that growth spurt he is dying to get!
He is such a handsome guy, the ladies love him, he is taking Geometry at the high school.  Only him and one other 8th grader take that high of math.........such a smarty pants!
Rock that Junior High Hunter!

Grant is so excited to be in 1st grade this year.  He has heard from his brothers how awesome, Mrs. Lines is!  So we already know its going to be a fabulous year of learning for this handsome kid!
Now if I can just find a place to send Ella I will be set!  Hahaha!
I wasn't ready for summer to end.  But ready or not school is here!

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