Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mom School

Well I am blessed to get to have this wild little two year old as my shadow all day while the older kids are at school!

Try to contain your jealousy........ I mean really look at that face.

Honestly I need to take Ella to daycare a couple of days a week so she can learn to play better with kids her own age.  Everyone she plays with at our house is so much older than her and most of them don't even want the same toys as her.  So her sharing skills are a little below par.

She is my coloring girl!
She asks to color at least once a day!

She is only 2 1/2.......by the time she can start kindergarten she'll be beyond ready!
When it's just the two of us Ella usually does great.  She plays well with herself, she loves to watch a couple of cartoons in the morning, her and I enjoy a little pool time several mornings each week and then she typically gets a short nap in the car in the afternoon as we are running kids here and there.
This little girl can push all my buttons all at once, but man I love her!

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