Sunday, August 14, 2016

Need More Faith

As I drove home from the reunion I had time to think.  Several of the kids were asleep, Kiersten had earphones in listening to music.  So I was driving in peace.  I thought about the troubles going on in my life right now.  I thought about how my attitude has been regarding those troubles.  I have to be honest, my attitude has been crappy lately.  I guess my SELF is tired.  My SELF feels drained.  I won't say all of this is my fault, but I realize my job is to work on the part that I can change.  My job is to have FAITH.  Faith in myself, faith in my Heavenly Father, faith in my ability to make hard choices, and faith that Justin can and will do his part.

I need more faith!  I need to focus on the things that are good, while at the same time not ignoring the bad, just looking at the bad parts and focus on changing the aspects of those parts that are in my ability to change.  Life is often so challenging and I am so grateful to have the gospel to help me through it.

Here's to having a more positive attitude! And to exercising my faith with stronger dedication and patience!

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