Saturday, May 24, 2008

First Day of Summer Vacation!

What's the first day of Summer Break!

The kids weren't even bummed that we wouldn't be going to the pool, like originally planned. They were so excited to get on their rain coats and galoshes and head out to play in the puddles. I guess water is water for kids, pool or puddle it's still FUN!

I loved the reflection. Wish I would have pulled out my real camera to capture these shots. They would have turned out much better.

Hunter having a fun time playing in the puddle. Our drive way made for a really nice big puddle that the kids just loved jumping in, riding through and playing in! I love his little tongue out as he's riding his bike! He is such a character!

Logan was just so cute in his giraffe rain coat! He is such a happy boy! He is our miracle kid, and we thank our Heavenly Father on a daily basis for letting him be with us.

Kiersten loved riding her bike through the puddles. She really liked walking down the road and seeing the snake that had been ran over. She is our animal lover! Today was the first day Kiersten discovered that clouds really do move. She was so excited and fascinated by watching the storm clouds. That's something we don't get a whole lot of here in the Sunny State of Arizona!

Seriously Hunter what is the deal with the goggles? He has been wearing these for several days. He even wore them to the movies last night, when we went to see Nim's Island. I hate to tell him that if is waiting to hitch a ride he'll be there awhile. No one comes down our road.............unless they are lost!


cluff clan said...

I love the rain coats and boots Bec they are adorable. You are a great mom!

dezertgirlaz said...

I can't stand it your kids are so freaking awesome! I am glad to see they got their Mom's spunk! I know Justin can be crazy too so no wonder you're kids are so great!