Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer Lunches & Routines

Bean and Cheese Burritos with Strawberries and Cool Whip! Delicious Baby!
This is one of our favorite lunches during the summer. The kids ask for this a lot. We use to make a picnic out of it and take it over to Aunt Susan's pool, which was right down the street, and eat and swim. Last year this was our summer day routine, of course we didn't always have this to eat, but it was a hit when we did. Even one of the neighbor kids said I made the best bean burritos ever. What a proud day that was for me, seriously I surely wrote that in my journal right! We miss having a private pool to swim at everyday. We are hoping one of the neighbors puts in a pool sometime.

Kids filling up before we venture out to the Pima pool for our first day of Swimming and Sun. The kids thanked me several time before and many times after for taking them to swim. It is so nice when kids actually appreciate things, doesn't always happen around here, but it's nice when it does.





The Parkers said...

Please tell me the whipped cream is not for the burros.

Tifani said...

that does look really good Bec.