Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day BBQ with the Smith's

The kids all enjoying a ice cream cone, after eating their dinner of course! We had the Smith's over and grilled steaks. brats and hotdogs. It was so much fun to have our own house and have friends over. It has been 10 long months of not having our own house, so we especially enjoyed the evening of food, fun and friends!

YUMMY ICE CREAM MOM! Hunter sure did like his mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. Nice red fingernail polish there Hunter! Don't ask!

Chase and Maranda enjoying their treat. Hunter just adores Chase and thinks they are best friends. Maranda and Kiersten are best friends and Kiersten can hardly wait for Maranda to move into their new house right next door.

Logan and Melanie make quite the pair. Logan always has a cheesy grin which just melts my heart. This little boy has both Justin and I right wear he wants us. He's so cute!

Ashley was so watch eating her bubble gum ice cream cone. After about half way through the cone she gave it to me and said, "I don't really like this."

Kiersten is all smiles. She is loving having friends over for a BBQ. It's all she could talk about all day, 5' o clock couldn't come fast enough for her.

1 comment:

Tifani said...

How fun Bec. I haven't seen Tressie's kids for a while and they are all getting so big. It sure will be nice to have such good friends so close i am really excited for you guys. Love ya