Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Train We All Love!

Logan's Love for Trains...........

This train set has been a great investment for sure! Logan just loves to play with it. He will play with it for hours and hates when we clean it up. He makes all the train sounds and says, "All Aboard!" so cute!

Once it started raining too hard outside the kids had to come in and play. We had Rue and Cameron over for a play date. They are so fun and Kiersten really wanted to keep Cameron, as she wants a sister so bad. We hope Cameron had fun, even though we are a little loud and roudy to say the least!

Logan just loving that mom got out the train set! He told me "tank you for tain!"

Hunter loves the train as well, but not nearly as much as Logie. Hunters favorite thing to do with the train is see how many trian cars he can pull. He is even pretty good at setting the train tracks up, which is no easy task!


Alene said...

Looks like fun! I want to come over and play too. I'm glad to have found your blog. Since I am so bad with phone calls, I can at least see how things are going with you :)

Tifani said...

I love little Logie Bear!!! they need to come have a play date at aunt Tif's again!!!

allisonj_2004 said...

We have the same train and it is a must. Great job on the blog. Are you coming?

allisonj_2004 said...

Becky it's allison and Trent! :)

dezertgirlaz said...

Ok so apparently I need to hire some kids when I move back so I can have super awesome play dates with your kids and Rue's! Do you know of any places there that rent out kids? I will just have to come over and spoil you guy's if not!