Saturday, July 12, 2008

4th of July...............Camping in Egar

Hunter and Whitney were quite the pair this weekend!
They enjoyed their junk food picnic together. It was fun to watch them play.

Hunter and Whitney were playing really good so I went over to complement them. I told them they were doing a great job playing. Hunter said, "We are playing house." Real quick Whitney replied, "Hunter's not my husband..........he's the dog!" Later in the day I was teasing Lace that she was going to have to come home with me to watch Logan for me for a week. She said she didn't want to. Hunter looked up and said, "What about Whitney, can't we keep her?" They were so cute together!

Watching the rafts float down the canal.

Logan was sooo excited to have his own raft. He would jump and run to chase after the raft in the water. Lots of fun for him and all the kids.

The kids loved having a little Birthday party for America! Especially when they found out they all got to blow out a candle on their cupcakes.
Kiersten stopped to pose for me.

There was a small irrigation ditch that ran in front of the place where we camped, so what better thing to do then make rafts out of sticks and have races. The kids loved every bit of it. They raced their rafts the whole weekend. It was fun to see their excitement and creativity that went into their rafts! Fun times for sure!

Watching the rafts compete. Hunter usually carried his down half way and then threw it in. Of course everyone was a winner. At one point Hunter asked, "just how can I be the winner and someone else....................not too smart mom."

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