Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Accident...........

What we thought was going to be a nice evening of bonding with Dad, turned out to be a scary accident. Hunter was sitting on Justin's lap in the skidster. Well he put his feet up where he shouldn't of and they got pinned by the hydraulic bucket. Justin had to raise the bucket to get Hunter's feet out. Hunter was in an extreme amount of pain and Justin was in shock! So I took Hunter and Logan and we headed to the ER (Kiersten wasn't home), I called who else but my mom and she met me at the ER to get Logan from me. Justin just felt horrible and needed time by himself. After hours in the ER, Hunter had no broken bones, a possible fracture and bad bruising. It's a miracle that's all that was wrong. Seriously!
Hunter wanted to get on the tractor barefoot (which is typical for Hunter, he has the toughest feet!). I asked him to go get shoes on, he came out in flip flops and I just had a feeling impress me to have him got get his boots on. He didn't want to but I was insistent that he wear his boots. Dr. Hargis in the ER said the boots saved his feet. I am so thankful for the spirit and the guidance and protection it gives us!
The drive to the hospital was a bit crazy as Hunter was in a great deal of pain. On the way I was of course praying in my heart that things wouldn't be too bad. We were just entering Thatcher and Hunter asked me to say a prayer for him because he knew it would help. It was a tender moment for me to hear Hunter's testimony of the power of prayer.
On a funny side note, he also told me he didn't want to have feet and he wanted to ride in a wheelchair. Like I said he was is A LOT OF PAIN!!!

See how it bent Hunter's boots up and these are some thick souls.

Hunter wouldn't put any weight on his foot. I either carry him or he crawls. Poor little guy! I went and got an umbrella stroller so I can push him around the house instead of caring him. He's a heavy guy! So from Thursday evening (the night of the accident) until Saturday evening Hunter wouldn't walk on his foot at all. Both his feet were pinned but the left one took most of the pressure. About 30 minutes before Kiersten's party on Saturday Hunter said "I think I can walk now." Sure enough he started walking slowly and is doing much better now. What an answer to our prayers! We have a follow up appointment with Dr. Bryce the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow, but I think everything is just fine!

1 comment:

Tifani said...

He was doing better onsat and I am glad that he feels better too good luck and call if you need anything