Sunday, August 17, 2008

Legoland Driving School

Hunter enjoyed driving the little cars and especially loved getting the "real" drivers licence. He did say he likes the quad better cause it goes faster. Our kids are so use to the dunes, that slow rides really don't excite them much.

Logan is a Pro at driving! He was better then most of the 5 year olds out there. He drives the putt-putts (power wheels trucks) at home everyday so this track was a walk in the park!

Kiersten was on the big kids track and loved it. Of course she really was trying to obey the traffic rules that they went over before they started and several of the kids where trying hard to NOT obey any rules. Needless to say she got bumped a few times. When she was done she said, "Mom was I the only one out there following the rules..............crazy people!" I explained to her that California people aren't known for being the best drivers!

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