Monday, August 18, 2008

Featuring Crazy Kiersten's Canaries...........

Crazy Kiersten's Canaries went down to their "recording studio" in our basement and ROCKED OUT! They practiced their moves to "I Love Rock-n-Roll!"

Justin was the band leader and really showed the kids how to Rock Out! He was hilarious to watch. He doesn't mess around with a fake guitar. He said, "Just think what I could do with a real guitar!"

Kiersten, Kaely and Maranda had a Blast practicing their rock moves. Tif was the choreographer and she did an awesome job! Thanks Tif!

Isn't Logan stinkin' adorable with his Mohawk? He really Rocked Out! He followed one of the kids moves and got down on his knees to play some air guitar! After their practice in the "recording studio," the band performed for parents and grandparents. The kids really got into it and it was so fun to watch!

1 comment:

Donelle said...

I love that picture of Justin! Needs to be framed and on the wall for sure:)