Monday, March 23, 2009

Preditor Feed

We decided to go on the day they have the preditor feed and we were so glad we did. You follow around the feeding truck to all the animals and get to see them awaiting their food. It is great because all the animals know and so they all come out and you get to see the up close and personal. Defiantely recommend it!
The hyenas were hysterical! They were laughing so loud waiting for their food. The feeding them kind of teased them to get them going. It was crazy how much they laughed and how funny they sounded. We all got quite the kick out of it! This is the male Lion and he will not eat his food until all the people have gone past him. That's his food right behind him and he just sat their for 20 minutes while they tried to get everyone to pass by. It was very interesting and was great to see the Lion 4 feet from you just staring at you.
The white tigers were one of our favorites to see!

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