Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Study on ER's Across the US

So we have decided to do a study on ER's across the US, or so it seems! We took the kids to Cottonwood/Sedona area for the week of Spring Break. The first night we were there Logan starts to bleed out his ear. So we take him to the ER where we find out that he has a foreign object stuck in his ear. The Dr. flooded his ear with water and used a little suction thing to get pieces out. She also uses what looked like a small crochet hook to dig pieces out. Logan was screaming at the top of his lungs and extremely mad as one could imagine! It was so sad to have him screaming in fear. I was holding his head down during the procedure. We were all amazed at how well Logan did. I had my hand on his head to hold it down, but he never once moved his head even an inch. His guardian angel must of had her hand holding his head down under mine! The doctor couldn't believe he wasn't trying to move his head. She said she had never experienced such a thing from a three year old.
Logan just chilling waiting for the doctor to come in. All the ER's we have been to while on vacation have nice size rooms and TV's in each room. Let me tell you the TV really helps entertain the kids and seriously makes waiting to be seen so much nicer. The Mt. Graham ER needs to kick it up a notch is all we can say!!! By far the Mt. Graham ER is the lowest ranked ER in our study so far!
Yeah! We were so grateful that the doctor was able to retrieve all the piece of what might have been a bug or twig, no telling with Logan, out of his ear. It did rupture his ear drum, but should heal up good. The next option was doing minor surgery where he would of had to of been knocked out. We were so thankful that our prayers were answered and things went as smoothly as they did.
Logan loved his Popsicle and said goodbye to everyone on the way out.
Logan also had a fun time with what he called his "oweee stickers!"


Alison said...

Don't worry. We're doing the exact same study and Mt. Graham is lowest on our list too.

anna said...

It never ceases to amaze me the reasons we end up taking our kids to the Dr!! Such random things!
How scary though to have blood coming out of his ear!

touch of glass said...

Becky I can't believe you didn't tell me! Your kids definately love to scare us all. So are we going or what?