He ended 1st grade at a 2.9 reading level.........yes that means he tested reading at a end of 2nd grade level. WOW! He should just be beginning 1st grade, but will be starting 2nd grade in the fall. He is so excited to move on even though he won't have Sweet Mrs. Lines any more. And we got a bum deal by only having her for half a year! But we loved every minute of it!
This is Hunter getting an award from Mrs. Delane for being a star student in the choir and Spanish class. He also got an award for being an Elf in the Christmas play.
Hunter's Most Favorite Award was the Citizenship Award. He was recognized for showing exemplary behavior and valuable service. Only two students received this award. Hunter was most excited that you got a pin with it! He is a very helpful guy (when he wants to be)! I love his adorable brown eyes in this picture!
Hunter was sitting on Steph's lap.
Mrs. Lines gave Hunter an award for having a "Heavenly Heart" She said he was her little lover boy! He definitely has a HUGE crush on her, so the award is fitting! He got Super Spelling Award with 98%, Wonderful Writing Award (which only 3 kids in his class got), Marvelous Math Award with a 97%, Reading Award, Academic Excellence Award with a cumulative GPA of 97%.
It was excited to see that not only did Hunter move up to first grade a year early but he EXCELLED in every subject. He tries his best and hates when he misses a question regardless of what subject it is!
Hunter told everyone for days that he got the Citizenship Award and wore this pin for about a week. Then I talked him into putting it up in a special place so it wouldn't get lost!
Kiersten has just LOVED 3rd grade. She adores Mrs. Moore...........it does help that we are great friends with their family so Kiersten is like the daughter she never had. So yeah she was spoiled this year!
This would be Kiersten clapping for herself. She was so excited to get awards!
You can tell how happy Kiersten is in this picture! It's nice that so far our kids LOVE school and learning!
Kiersten got several awards from Mrs. Delane, the Music and Spanish teacher. She received an award for Outstanding participation in Music with a 100% and an Outstanding Participation in Spanish with a 100%. There were only a couple of kids that received 100% in both classes so we are so proud of Kiersten and her dedication. Kiersten is self motivated when it comes to school work and really sets a great example for her younger brothers!
Kiersten had a great year...............once she found out that when boys in 3rd grade tease you...........that really means the LIKE you! It was a little rough those first two weeks but after receiving this little knowledge she was in HEAVEN!!! There were a lot of boys that liked her and she had her first crush on the Jarvis twins. It would change from twin to twin depending on the week.
Kiersten and Mrs. Moore..........we LOVE her!
Hunter and Mrs. Lines...........I think Hunter will have a crash on her forever! We just adore Mrs. Lines. Besides being a wonderful teacher she has become a great friend!
She is just a hoot! It's easy to see why Hunter Loves her so!
Ahhhhh............he really was excited even though he fought this kiss!
Kiersten got an award for being on the "A" Honor Roll having straight "A's" for every semester, Award for Computers, Homework Hero Award with 100% homework turned in, Super Reader Award with her level at a beginning 5th grade level, Independent Reader Award, Special Achievement Award for her President Report in Computers. She also received an award for being a Narrator in the Christmas play and an award for her performance in the Star Spangled Singing at the fair. Mrs. Moore had each kid give themselves an award and Kiersten gave herself The BEST Hula Hooper Award! Mrs. Moore is so creative and gave each kid a candy bar award.......Kiersten received the Starburst Award for Being the STAR of the Show!
It really has been a great year of learning!
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