Tuesday, November 16, 2010

School Field Trip

to Apple Annie's Orchard!
Not five second after getting out of the car Hunter was in HEAVEN...........there were these little black caterpillars EVERY WHERE!!! And soon enough they were all over him!
Logan was so happy to get to join the kids and I for their school field trip. He even conned Kendall into letting him have a piggy back ride.
Excited to go through the corn maze!
The corn maze always impresses me! The kids love it and I swear the corn plants were taller this year!
Reading the clues to know which was to go!
We had a great group of kids with us! Thanks Julie for being our leader......I just love her!
She has great kids and she is so fun to be around!
Logan, Kiersten and Hunter
Then it was off to the hay ride.
Lenae, Hanna and Kiersten
the hay ride took us to find the perfect pumpkin.
Logan found his right away!
Kiersten was more serious about finding a pumpkin "with character!"
Doyle and Hunter resting..the deal is you pick the pumpkin BUT you have to carry it back to the trailer!
Way to go Cowboys!
We then got a hay ride back to the beginning and had a picnic lunch.........which includes playing in the massive bucket of corn!
Kendall and Hunter being them silly self's!
Lots of yellow and purple Panthers.........go DPA!
Logan loved playing in the corn! He ate his lunch so fast so he could hurry and go play.
Kiersten and McKyla Bartlett
Such cute friends!
Hunter, Becky, Doyle, Logan, Kendall, Stacy and a little boy
My silly boys.........I said I wished Mr. Grant was there.........so Hunter being Hunter pretended to be Mr. Grant for the picture!
Kiersten rode home with her Aunt Kiki to help with Maliya!
Kendall and Stacy
Soooo funny story.........
there are these LARGE pumpkins and I told ALL the kids that were riding with Stacy and I to climb on the pumpkins so I could take their picture....
They had a ball....and I just snapped away!
Hunter and Logan or the HUGE pumpkins...
Oh yeah there was a sign right in front of me saying, "Please do not play on the pumpkins"
Guess I should be slightly more observant next time! Thank goodness not one yelled at us cause it was all me...........I made the kids get on them for the sake of a fun picture!
Seriously those are some fun, huge pumpkins...........so fun it's hard not to climb all over them..........ha, ha...

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